Timothy Abisha Won Silver Medals In IEYI International Event

Ryan Timothy Abisha, our 10th grader student, is among the five to represent Indonesia in the prestigious International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI). His departure is following his win over 548 participants in National Young Inventors Award (NYIA) in Jakarta the previous month with “Smart Trash Bin”.

The difficulty to sort out the garbage has inspired Ryan to invent trash bin that can help solve the problem, with a prototype that can distinguish trash based on category. It minimizes the mistake of mixing up thrashes and complicating the recycling procedure.

Sampoerna Academy’s SMART Lab

Within three months in Sampoerna Academy’s SMART Lab under the supervision of his teacher, Jefri Saputra, Ryan Timothy Abisha is able to create a working prototype without any prior knowledge of programming Arduino Uno microcontroller. This feat is a testament to Sampoerna Academy’s commitment in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) education. Good luck, Ryan!

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