SA Students Achieve Highest Scores in CEMC Intl Competition

Sampoerna Academy Students They count the change when they buy snacks, or count their savings to buy a new toy. Those simple examples show how important math is in their daily life. Here, we teach math to children in ways that will make them enjoy the concept, and not dread the subject.

The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) in University of Waterloo Canada holds annual Mathematical Contests: Pascal (Grade 9 or below), Cayley (Grade 10 or below), and Fermat (Grade 11 or below). This year, the contest was joined by more than 64,000 students from over 1,500 schools around the world. Medals for are given to the top students in each contest, provided that a mark of at least 99 has been obtained in the Pascal, 91 in the Cayley, and 92 in the Fermat.

In Sampoerna Academy, two of the 7th and 8th graders obtained 109 in the Pascal, one of the 10th graders obtained 94 in Fermat, and 99 in Fermat. This particular achievement demonstrates that Sampoerna Academy is determined to accommodate its students to achieve academic excellence.

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