How high can you count? …in English!

Here is a poem to help you remember the numbers 1-10 in English. One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, shut the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, lay them straight Nine, ten, a big fat hen Now, can you count higher? How about counting to one hundred or one thousand? Soon you will be able to count to one billion! Numbers are the foundation for completing and understanding different math problems. By learning numbers, you can understand simple math concepts that will cause a great impact on your confidence in your math skills. The confidence gives you the way for a more easy-going numeracy learning process in the future. To start learning numbers are to learn how to identify the first ten numerals (0 – 9), then learn the sound of numbers in English and also how to write the numbers. This learning process might be a bit difficult but also very fun, since you need to put different skills in practice to know the difference between one number and the others, for example, the number 6 and 9, which are quite close in appearance. You are not only learning math but developing other important skills as well. There are several tips As you grow up, it’s very useful for you to learn the concepts of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. Finding out the difference between these two categories and also when and how to use each one, will be helpful for you, not only in school but for your day-to-day life as well.  

Cardinal Numbers

Are numbers in words from 1 to 10. Since they express quantity, they are mainly used when counting in English. Cardinal numbers have many uses, among those are: talk about a person’s age, sharing phone numbers, or telling someone in which year you were born. Here are some other cardinal numbers you need to remember for counting:
0 Zero
1 One
10 Ten
100 One hundred
1,000 One thousand
1,000,000 One million
1,000,000,000 One billion
  Let’s find out how to count and write cardinal numbers from one to a million!
  1. Basic Numbers (Ones)
Basic numbers started from 0 to 10
0 1 2 3 4
Zero One Two Three Four
5 6 7 8 9
Five Six Seven Eight Nine
  1. Teen Numbers
After the basic number, there are teen numbers. These numbers are started from 11 – 19. Except for 11 (Eleven) and 12 (Twelve), all the numbers have “-teen” at the end of them. The Teen Numbers consist of ones + teen. Here are some examples:  
14 15 16 17 18
Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen
  1. Tens Numbers
Tens Numbers consist of the number 20 – 99. We know, there are a lot of them. But don’t worry, here’s an easy way to remember to say them in English.  
20 30 40 50
Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty
60 70 80 90
Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety
  Tens numbers have “-ty” at the end of them. It is basically the same pattern as the teen numbers, which is ones + ty. Then what about the ten numbers followed by ones?   The pattern is similar to when we say tens numbers in Bahasa Indonesia, which is tens numbers + ones. Here are some examples:
28 32 46 54 68
Twenty-eight Thirty-two Forty-six Fifty-four Fifty-eight
  Between the tens and the ones, we separate them with a dash (-) which is called a hyphen.
  1. Hundreds
Hundreds are the numbers starting from 100 to 999. You will easily remember the hundreds in English when you understand how the pattern works. Here it goes:  
100 200 300
One hundred Two hundred Three hundred
400 500 600
Four hundred Five hundred Six hundred
700 800 900
Seven hundred Eight hundred Nine hundred
  Hundreds followed by tens have the same pattern with tens followed by ones. First write the hundreds, followed by the tens then the ones. Here are some examples:
128 216 482 626 821
One hundred and twenty-eight Two hundred and sixteen Four hundred and eighty-two Six hundred and twenty-six Eight hundred and twenty-one
  1. Thousands
Now is the thousands. The thousands number consists of units of thousands, tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands.   How to write it in English is pretty much the same as how you write the hundreds, just add “thousands” at the end instead of hundreds. Here are some examples:
Thousands 1,000 4,000
One thousand Four thousand
Tens of thousands 60,000 88,0000
Sixty thousand Eighty-eight thousand
Hundreds of thousands 200,000 600,000
Two hundred thousand Six hundred thousand
  You may sometimes find thousands followed by ones, tens, or hundreds. The pattern of how to write it in English is basically the same. Here are some examples:
  • How to write thousands followed by ones
1008 One thousand and eight
10,008 Ten thousand and eight
  • How to write thousands followed by tens and ones
2,060 Two thousand and sixty
62,082 Sixty-two thousand and eighty-two
  • How to write thousands followed by hundreds, tens and ones
6,800 Six thousand and eight hundred
2,182 Two thousand, one hundred and eighty-two
  1. Millions
Millions also consist of units of millions, tens of millions up to hundreds of millions. It also has the same pattern of how to write it, just add “million” at the end of the numbers. Here are some examples:
Millions 4,000,000
Four millions
Tens of millions (Teens) 12,000,000
Twelve millions
Tens of millions 28,000,000
Twenty eight millions
Hundreds of millions 600,000,000
Six hundred millions
  To write millions followed by thousands, hundreds, tens and ones, you can look at these easy examples:
1,800,000 One million and eight hundred thousand
2,680,000 Two million, six hundred and eighty thousand
6,783,000 Six million, seven hundred and eighty-three thousand
80,128,500 Eighty million, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand, five hundred

Ordinal Numbers

The ordinal numbers are numbers used to state positions or sequences. Now to write ordinal numbers, we will break them down from numbers 1 – 31, according to the number of dates in a month. But this doesn’t mean the ordinal numbers only goes up to 31, for the following numbers, you just have to follow the previous patterns.   Here are some examples of how to write ordinal numbers:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
First Second Third Fourth Fifth
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th
Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth
16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth
21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th
Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth
26th 27th 28th 29th 30th
Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eight Twenty-ninth Thirtieth
Now that you understood how to read and write numbers in English, and knew how to differentiate Cardinal and Ordinal numbers, let’s keep on practicing! There are many ways to do it one of them is to do it with songs. Who doesn’t like singing?

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