Volcanism is what we call all the natural events related to the formation of a volcano as well as the movement of magma in the earth's crust and lithosphere which infiltrates the layers above or beyond the earth's surface. It refers to the eruption of a molten rock mixture, or what we often call magma, through a gap at the surface.
Magma is an incandescent liquid that moves up to the earth's surface through a diatreme, a pipe-shaped channel. This movement causes a convection current which, along with the gravitational effects of the changes on the earth's surface, such as erosion, deposition, and asteroid impacts, drives tectonic plate movements.
There are a number of signs of volcanism we can see. The signs are divided into two categories: pre-volcanism signs (which happen before volcanism occurs) and post-volcanism signs (which happen after volcanism occurs).
What is volcanism?
As mentioned, volcanism refers to all the events that have to do with the formation of a volcano and magma coming out to the earth's surface through fractures on the earth's crust. Volcanism results in a volcanic eruption which is marked by the release of magma from the center of the earth. The main factor for volcanism is magma which, when arrives at the earth's surface, turns into lava. There are various magma activities, so there are also various signs of volcanism: various types of eruptions, various shapes of volcanoes, and various events that occur. Volcanism has many positive impacts. It creates fertile soil for agricultural purposes, especially around mountain slopes, because of the volcanic ash that occurs and accumulates during eruptions. It also produces various types of rock which can be turned into widely-used industrial minerals, such as andesite, basalt, and granite. What’s more, it drives the formation of highly valuable metals and minerals, such as gold, steel, and sulfur. However, along with the positive impacts, volcanism also has negative impacts, including the major impacts it brings as a natural disaster. Volcanic eruptions bring with them hot clouds and lava that scorch the environment and settlements and cause victims.What are signs of volcanism?
Pre-volcanism Signs
- Frequent earthquakes in areas adjacent to a mountain
- Dried-up water sources
- An increase in the temperature around the crater
- Rumbling sounds from within the desert
- The movement of animals from the top to the base of the mountain
Post-volcanism Signs
- The emergence of hot springs, also known as geysers
- The appearance of gas sources or inhalation, such as sulfur
- The emergence of water sources with mineral content, such as sulfur