List of Extracurriculars at Sampoerna Academy, Which One Are You?

Extracurricular activities are additional activities in every school. These extracurriculars consist of several types, have purpose, functions, and several forms that students can take part in at their schools including Sampoerna Academy. Before discussing extracurricular activities at Sampoerna Academy, read about the meaning of extracurriculars, extracurricular activities at school, and extracurricular activities that are available at Sampoerna Academy below!

What is Extracurricular?

Extracurriculars are additional activities carried out outside class hours for students, both within the school environment and outside the school environment. Extracurriculars are aimed at obtaining additional skills, insights, and knowledge to shape character based on their respective interests and talents.

Extracurricular according to Experts

extracurricular Here is the definition of extracurricular according to experts.

Subagiyo (2003: 23) 

According to Subagiyo, extracurricular is an activity carried out outside class hours (face to face), both held at school and outside school to enrich and broaden the knowledge, also abilities that students already have from various fields of study.

Department of National Education (2003: 16) 

Extracurriculars are activities organized to meet the demands to master study materials and lessons with time allocations that are regulated separately based on needs.

Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 060/U/1993 and Number 080/U/1993, extracurriculars are activities held outside of class hours listed in the program structure based on the circumstances and needs of the school and specifically designed to suit the interests and talents of students. 

Lutan (1986: 72)

This activity is an internal part of the learning process that emphasizes meeting the needs of students.

Functions of Extracurricular Activities

The function of this activity is to develop potential and responsibility by providing opportunities for students to broaden social experience and prepare their career through capacity building. Aqip and Sujak (2011: 68) said that there are four functions of extracurricular activities, including:

Development Function 

The first function is to support the personal development of students by expanding interests, developing potential and character building, as well as leadership training.

Social Function

The second function is to develop abilities and a sense of responsibility by providing opportunities for students to broaden social experiences, practice social skills, and internalize moral values.

Recreative Function

Activities are carried out in a relaxed, uplifting, and fun atmosphere to support the development process of students. This activity should be able to make school life and atmosphere more challenging and interesting.

Career Preparation Function

The last function is to develop students' career readiness through capacity building.

Principles of Extracurricular Activities 

The principles of extracurricular activities in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 22 of 2006 are as follows.
  1. Individually, principles that are in accordance with the potential, talents and interests of each student.
  2. Choices, principles that are in accordance with the wishes and voluntarily followed by students.
  3. Active involvement, principles that demand the full participation of students.
  4. Fun, principles in an atmosphere that is liked and excited by students.
  5. Work ethic, principles that build the enthusiasm of students to work well and succeed.
  6. Social benefit, principles implemented for the benefit of society.

Forms of Extracurricular Activities in Sampoerna Academy

ekstrakurikuler, extracurricular Sampoerna Academy has a variety of extracurricular options and activities to choose from according to the interests and talents of students, starting from preschool, elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. These are the following activities and extracurricular activities available.

Sampoerna Academy BSD

  • Gravilla Gymnastic
  • Soccer
  • Junior Lab Indonesia
  • Wushu
  • Modern Dance
  • Basketball
  • Ceramic
  • etc.

Sampoerna Academy Sentul

  • Swimming
  • Painting
  • Soccer
  • Archery
  • Taekwondo
  • Basketball
  • etc.

Awards Won by Sampoerna Academy Students

extracurricularSampoerna Academy provides complete facilities for students to develop their interests and talents according to their potential, especially in extracurricular activities. In addition, Sampoerna Academy also has professional trainers with international accreditation so that the potential of students is well sharpened so that they can take part and win awards from various international competitions. Here is a list of awards won by Sampoerna Academy students at the national and international levels.
  1. Piano Rhapsody; 2nd and 3rd Place, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze.
  2. Music Appreciation by UBAYA; 3 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze.
  3. Singapore International Open 2022, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament; 2 Gold and 1 Silver.
  4. JISMO Spring 2021; 1 Ruby and 1 Sapphire.
  5. WMI 2021 PRELIMINARY; 21 Gold, 36 Silver, and 45 Bronze.
  6. JISMO Autumn 2020; 5 Ruby, 10 Sapphire, 5 Emerald and 2 Diamond.
  7. WMI Finals 2020; 1 Silver and 2 Bronze.
  8. SEAMO; 4 Gold, 3 Silver, and 10 Bronze.
  9. OWLYPIA Individual; 1 Gold, 5 Silver, and 4 Bronze.
  10. Sampoerna Academy; Best Singer in Elementary School category.
  11. And many more.
This is an explanation of the extracurriculars available at Sampoerna Academy along with the awards won by the students. The activities at Sampoerna Academy are managed in an organized manner so that it runs smoothly and can involve as many students as possible to encourage their talents and interests. For further information regarding registration, curriculum, visits, and information about Sampoerna Academy, please fill in the data below. [formidable id=7] Reference Kemdikbud

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