The pandemic has massively changed the world in almost all aspects, including the education sector. Learning during the pandemic is challenging for many. However, despite all the cons, online education actually offers a number of positive impacts as well as a promising future to the education sector. Sampoerna Academy has compiled seven major benefits of online learning. Let’s check them out!
Online Learning

Online learning is generally schooling done with the help of technology to provide a solution to students’ distance learning during the pandemic. Technological advances have made it easier for schools to implement online learning although they require both students and teachers to adapt.
In fact, it’s not unlikely that online distance learning will become one of the options for formal education when the pandemic is over.
7 Benefits of Online Learning

Sampoerna Academy has compiled the positive impacts of online learning.
1. It allows students to learn anytime.
Another advantage of online learning is time efficiency. Students can repeat the video recordings of their classes and the materials used in lessons anytime they need. They can also adjust their learning speed according to their current abilities.
What’s more, students can choose to do assignments in ways that are comfortable for them. The free access to all class discussions and materials definitely provides some help to those who need to repeat and reflect on all material before moving on to new material.
2. It ensures a dynamic interaction between teachers and students.
Online learning can build dynamic interactions between teachers and students as well as students and their fellow students. They can synergize throughout the learning process by effectively sharing ideas and information.
Everyone who is involved can actively participate in class discussions or express their opinions about others’ works. Such interaction patterns, of course, increase the effectiveness of classroom learning despite not seeing each other face to face.
3. It allows high-quality discussions.
The structure of online discussion allows students to think and reflect on the questions and feedback from teachers or other students before replying. It allows students to practice answering questions and responding to feedback in an organized, systematic, and in-depth manner.
The situation is different from face-to-face discussions. In face-to-face discussions, students may comment or express their opinions without thinking carefully about the message they deliver. They are expected to quickly say something, or they may lose the opportunity to participate in the discussion.
4. It ensures easy access to learning resources.
Conventional learning models require students to hold certain books. Even for additional references, students rely on the books in the library. Unlike the traditional method, online distance learning allows teachers to upload all learning materials into a learning platform so students can easily access them at any time.
What’s more, if the school materials are integrated with online libraries with digital books, students can easily look for complementary references they need. The internet may be very helpful for the learning process, but books are still the most reliable source of information, right? The right study references will help students build a deep understanding.
5. It encourages students to learn independently.
Distance learning can encourage students to learn more independently wherever they are. Without continuous supervision from the teacher, students have the independence to carry out activities useful for their learning process, such as reading, practicing, repeating the material given, and many more.
6. It allows students to build independent study habits.
Finally, it helps students build self-study habits. Online learning can foster students’ learning motivation from within. It also helps students recognize the importance of their personal responsibility. Teachers can simply monitor and guide the learning process including task progress and material understanding.
7. It allows students to learn from anywhere.
Students can participate in school activities from anywhere—even from a different city, island, or continent. Equipped with gadgets and apps, such as Zoom or Google Meet (whatever online learning platform that you used), students can be involved in high-quality learning without too much hassle.
What’s more, this online format allows students with physical disabilities to join classes. They only need to access virtual classes using their gadgets.
To welcome the post-pandemic era, Sampoerna Academy is ready to embrace online learning and provide students with the advantages it offers. The pandemic has changed the education system in Indonesia, but Sampoerna Academy has managed to respond to the shift with various education methods.
One of them is through the application of best-in-class digital resources. With the best learning tools, students are free to enjoy their learning process inside and outside the classroom—in fact, from wherever and whenever they want.
Sampoerna Academy always instills in students the idea that technology is more than just a means of entertainment and a way of socializing in the virtual space. Technology is a tool to access information, resources, and teamwork that will be embedded as their future life skills.
So, are you interested in trying online learning with STEAM as the studying method? Find out more about the fun and excitement of online learning at Sampoerna Academy and how to register here!