Hey, Guys! It’s been two years since the pandemic began changing our lives. Time flies, right? We hope your online school is going well.
Let us ask you a question. Do you still receive an allowance from your parents? During the online school period, a lot of parents allocate their children’s allowance to purchase and prepare highly nutritious food, snacks, and other equipment needed to support their children’s learning activities. However, there are also parents who think of an allowance as a reward for their children’s efforts and decide to give it to them regularly despite online school from home.
If your mom and dad belong in the second group, good for you. We also know that some of you are even making your own money (You guys are cool!). The question is, do you save your money? If you don’t and would like to start soon, we have five effective saving tips for students during the pandemic.
Plan your budget.
Create a “saving challenge”.
Separate “wants’ from “needs”.
Get creative.
Avoid spending too much money on snacks.