August 11, 2022

Definition of Superlative Degree, Form, and Usage

superlative degree

Various expressions are often used in daily conversations, such as happiness, sadness, concern, opinions and so much more. The comparison level form is used, which contains three levels of comparison form: positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. Adjective form often used when expressing opinions or comparison. This is where comparison degree appears as a grammar term that shows comparison. 

Definition of Superlative

Positive degree as a form of comparison that shows when several objects have the same level. Besides having the same quality, this form consists of a subject and predicate in the form of a noun or an adjective or an adverb using the form “as + adjective/adverb + as”.

Comparative degree is a form of comparison between two things. In addition, it can also be used for objects, people or situations in several conditions. This shows that one of the mentioned has more characteristics than the others. 

Superlative degree is the third and the highest comparative form of comparison in English. The existence of this comparison form used to express the highest, such as the strongest, the smartest, the best, the greatest, the worst, and many others. 

Form of Superlative

superlative degree

Superlative degree must be followed by certain rules, such as adjective or adverb. There are at least two forms of superlative degree that can be used, which are -est and the most. The levels of comparison are positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree. 

Form of Superlative the -est

The form of superlative use for adjectives which only have one syllable. Here are some examples: 

Adjective Superlative forms
Big The Biggest
Bright The Brightest
Cheap The Cheapest
Cold The Coldest
Cute The Cutest
Fast The Fastest

Related article: Pengertian Subjunctive, Materi, dan Kategori Ilmu

Example of Superlative Sentences

Here are some examples of superlative sentence with the adjective with one syllable: 

  1. Anto is the smartest student in this school, he has achieved many awards so far.
  2. Parno is the youngest in this class, he is eleven years old.
  3. Government has the quickest response dealing with the spread of CoronaVirus.
  4. Marno is the youngest child in the Parman Family.
  5. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world.

The form of superlative use for adverbs which only have one syllable. Here are the examples: 

Adjective Superlative forms Examples
Fast The Fastest Saiman runs the fastest of all the runners
Hard The Hardest Mido studies the hardest of all students.

The form of superlative use for adjectives which end with “y”. Here are some examples: 

Adjective Superlative forms
Angry The Angriest
Early The Earliest
Juicy The Juiciest
Knobby The Knobbiest
Kooky The Kookiest

Here are some examples of superlative sentence for adjectives which end with “y”:

  1. Melisa is the naughtiest girl in this neighborhood, she jumped into my garden and broke almost everything.
  2. Alejandro is the luckiest person. His family loves him very much and so do his friends.
  3. Prof. Marsono is always to be the earliest to come in attending the conference.
  4. Masia is the happiest girl. She gets many presents on her birthday.
  5. Sragen is probably one of the busiest cities in Indonesia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Form of Superlative the most

superlative degree

The form of superlative use for adjectives which have more than one syllable. Here are some examples: 

Adjective Superlative forms
Important The Most Important
Handsome The Most Handsome
Beautiful The Most Beautiful
Abandoned The Most Abandoned
Amazing The Most Amazing

Here are some examples of superlative sentence for adjectives which have more than one syllable:

  1. Covid 19 has been the most threatening virus for the last two years.
  2. Garla is the most qualified candidate because he has all the requirements needed.
  3. Rendang is the most delicious food ever invented in Indonesia.
  4. Hanief is the most diligent student in our classroom, he never comes late.
  5. Computer is the most useful invention of all time.

The form of superlative use for adverbs which have more than one syllable. Here are some examples: 

Adverb Superlative forms
Quickly The Most Quickly
Slowly The Most Slowly
Beautiful The Most Beautifully
Carefully The Most Carefully
Greedily The Most Greedily

Here are some examples of superlative sentence for adverbs which have more than one syllable:

  1. The most slowly of all animals is snail walks.
  2. Whoever dances the most beautifully on that stage will win the competition.
  3. Parna is probably one of the girls who think the most carefully of all her friends at her age.

There is an exception where the form of comparison can be changed from the original word. It is called irregular degree of comparison. 

The form of superlative use for adjectives in irregular degree of comparison. Here are some examples: 

Adjective Superlative forms
Good The Best
Bad The Worst
Far The Farthest/The Furthest
Less The Least

Here are some examples of superlative use for adjectives in irregular degree of comparison:

  1. Indonesia is the best country to visit for its great scenery and hospitality.
  2. Amarela has the worst way to deal with sadness, she is depressed now.
  3. Lombok has been the farthest place I’ve ever visited so far.

Use of Superlative in Daily Conversation

Superlative degree is used for making the highest level of comparison statements, which can be seen in everyday conversation. Here are some examples of daily conversation:

Amanda: Gonzal, what are you looking at?
Gonzal: Oh hi, Amanda. I’m looking at the world map. Look! Indonesia is very unique in shape. The island is separated by a huge body of water and the shape of its islands is also unique.
Amanda: Let me see. Oh yes, you’re right. It’s unique and beautiful.
Gonzal: In my opinion, Indonesia is the most unique country in the world.
Amanda: I couldn’t agree more. We should be proud of our country.


Superlative degree in daily conversation often using expressions like the highest to compare something. The various forms and terms used in superlatives are easy to understand and identify. As long as you can understand the important elements in the superlative, which are character and description. 

Those were the explanations of superlative degree, starting from the definition, the forms, the usage and examples in everyday dialogue. Sampoerna Academy applies a learning by practice system in class, with the aim of motivating exploration, collaboration, creativity and application of knowledge and skills. 

Students will learn about self responsibility and development of interpersonal skills. Understanding the superlative degree is included for students at any levels which will be assisted by teachers. There are also learning facilities through group tasks and best practice.

For further information regarding registration, curriculum, visits, and information about Sampoerna Academy, please fill in the data below. 

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